If you love yourself just know you'll never be alone...

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Russel Peters Show in Jakarta

Russel Peters
Notorious World Tour 2012

10 May 2012

This guy...so hillarious
i'm quite amazed that the Jakarta Show was full, sold out and everybody hype to see him!
hope he will have another show...so funny!!

L arc en Ciel - World Tour 2012

L Arc en Ciel
World Tour 2012 2nd May 2012, Jakarta

This is it... the 1st big concert of Jrock, held in Jakarta.
First time i heard L'arc en Ciel will be concert in Jakarta, honestly i feel disbelief, not interested and...'seriously'?

Then i manage to buy the ticket. Again, without any expectation. 13 years too long, and i felt like...just ordinary band. But L'arc en Ciel was essential for japanese music movement in Indonesia.

So the time came...honestly it feels like dreams come true watching Hyde,Ken,Tetsu and Yukihiro in front of my eyes...is beyond disbelief. And yeah~~ Hyde still so androgynous cute / handsome Also fun part was they had this 'fan service' of MC-ing with indonesian language. Really hillarious