If you love yourself just know you'll never be alone...

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Bangkok - 1st Leg, 2016

Bangkok 1st leg - 2016.
Why ? Because ada gitu...anak bego ke Bangkok 2x dalam 1 bulan....#Hyaaa

Jadi cerita nya abis Singapore, lanjut cus Bangkok dengan rasa galau karna mo nonton SNSD / Girls Generation.

Long-story-short....IYA, gue juga demen SNSD/ Girls Generation.
Dan sebetulnya, gue pengen nonton mereka, dengan rasa penasaran.... 'kek nya gue kudu nonton konser mereka sebelum bubar'. Hya, namanya jyuga girl band...asia pula. Mau berapa tahun sih ???
Iya. gue fans yang pesimis..eh anyway, pamer dulu ah jelong-jelong alias jalan - jalan lainnya di Bangkok, nanti gue lanjut ke thread yang urusannya SNSD Phantasia Bangkok sendiri OK

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So i decide to go to Snake Farm Bangkok.
ASLI seruuuuu....of course for the people who dont mind about snake. i am okay with snake, so there i am.

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and even though you are not snake lovers, if you are animal lovers...i still suggest you to come here, so that you learn about this creatures.

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